Tina Williford - The Table on Delk
What if you had no money, no resources, no support, no home, no food and you had yourself and your children to take care of. Would you resort to selling your body for money? My guest today on Stories Connect People podcast is Tina Williford. Tina shares the situation women are faced with when they have absolutely nothing and what some women are forced to do to meet their basic needs. Women resort to selling their body for sex and then end of covering the guilt, shame and embarrassment with alcohol and drugs. It begins a vicious cycle.
Tina found her calling years ago in Guatemala on a missions trip. What she saw in Guatemala, women selling their body; was happening right in her own community and she answered a calling to start The Table on Delk a few years later. The Table on Delk helps to connect women and children who are at risk of of being sexually exploited to resources to help them get out of this cycle. Women are resorting to survival sex to get money for food, a place to sleep and the bare basics for their children. The Table provide a safe place for a meal, access to computers, bible studies, activities for children and even classes to help with things like cooking in simple meal in a crockpot and GED prep.
Tina and The Table on Delk team and volunteers make sure the women know. You matter. You are enough. You are loved. They meet them where their need is. Hear from Tina about the important and meaningful things they are doing to help support the women and help them to see a different and better life.
The Table on Delk provides a safe place for those who are currently, or at risk of, being sexually exploited to have a meal and get connected to resources that they might not know about. Volunteers are needed to prepare food and to show our guests the Father’s love. By showing them His love through genuine interactions, telling them that their lives do matter and that He has a plan and purpose for them, some of those we serve will take steps toward healing and restoration.
Each Wednesday and Saturday from 11:30 AM to 3:00 PM, The Table on Delk provides a meal and a safe place for victims to rest. It’s the little things like “What kind of pancake would you like?” or “Which coffee mug would you like to use?” that will begin to show them they do have choices – ultimately, the choice to believe the truth that they were made for more than they're currently experiencing and to break free from their current lifestyle.
The goal is to bring about transformation one life at a time. By showing God’s love in action, we believe that The Table on Delk will be an on ramp to other rescue ministries such as Out of Darkness. If we can facilitate a rescue of just one person and see that person come to live the life God intended for them, we know there will be a future generation transformed. We also believe that The Table on Delk can play a role, along with other ministries, to end sexual exploitation in Atlanta
Take Action:
Connect, donate and volunteer with The Table on Delk
Facebook - The Table on Delk
Instagram - The Table on Delk
Tina Williford
Google anti-trafficking organization in any city or country. There is always a need for volunteers and financial support.
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