My Guest on Stories Connect People podcast is Cortney Farmer.
Cortney is the founder of The Soft Never.
I know, you are thinking what is the Soft Never?
Think about how many times we say never or hear never.
I could never do that. I could never say no. I can never set that boundary. I could never do what they do.
You probably are saying…. Oh yes! The Never! Yep, I do that, say think, think that and hear that all the time.
The Soft Never challenges us to say what if, well maybe it's really not never, my is a soft never.
Cortney shares about h er Soft Never, how this vision started and her mission to help others turn down the volume on the Never and think about the possibilities.
This episode is packed with wisdom, how to look at things from a different way and how to find the blessings in the twists and turns and boy, doesn't life throw a lot of those our way.
You will want to get in on this Soft Never community, so you can spotlight your never and celebrate how you are overcoming the nevers with others.
Welcome Cortney to Stories Connect People podcast.
Bio - Cortney Farmer
Cortney Farmer is a writer, storyteller, and business owner. In 2020, she and her husband, Scott, co-founded The Soft Never, an online community dedicated to celebrating the gifts and blessings that come when we eliminate the "never mindset" in our lives. When not developing original content at The Soft Never, she works as a Director of Content at a digital growth agency and as a freelance writer. A lifelong New Englander, Cortney lives in Seacoast New Hampshire with Scott and their two sons.
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