My guest on Stories Connect People podcast is Pam Brooks-Crump. Pam shares her story of being in long term recovery and how she is helping others today work through their own challenges with substance abuse disorder and mental health challenges.
Her story began as a child and she bottled up a secret for 30 years only to discover that her sister had been carrying the same secret her whole life too. When she finally shared her story the healing began.
Stats show 1 in 5 people in the world have been a victim of physical or sexual abuse. Pam challenges us to be curious vs judgmental. To ask what happened to you vs what is wrong with you. She talks about the stigma of substance abuse and mental health challenges and how she as a certified peer specialist is helping others in their journey.
Pam is also the author of Mia Inspired! A Caterpillar at a Crossroad based on the Monarch Butterflies. The ageless picture book tells the story of transformation. No matter what we are going through we have the tools to survive. The butterfly can transform and can never change back to being a caterpillar.
Listen to Pam's story with an open heart and maybe we will all learn how to ask for help or be there if someone in our life needs help.
Pam is helping people change their life. She is certified to work on teams with people in recovery for Georgia Mental Health Consumer Network. GMHCN -
Like Pam, 474 certified peer specialists have been trained to be more trauma informed when working with people in substance abuse and mental health care. This could include any type of addiction to drugs or alcohol or trauma.
Help is available on this warm line in Georgia 365 days a year/24 hours a day. A warm line is manned by a certified mental health specialist. The number is 1-888-945-1414.
If there is a crisis they can connect someone to a hotline if needed. This helps people from being isolated. This allows people to just talk, connect, etc. She is not there to fix people she is there to help people.
Anyone interested can join any of the 3 virtual meetings a day for wellness see website for details.
Pam is the author of Mia Inspired! A Caterpillar at a Crossroad Pam Brooks-Crump based on the Monarch Butterflies.
Pam talks about Greta Counts a great coach
Connect with Pam Brooks-Crump
[email protected] - email
Follow her on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @ Pam Brooks-Crump
Stories Connect People Podcast
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